The ANISA Education Model

The ANISA Education Model

Archival Collection of Written, Audio, and Video Talks on various aspects of the Anisa Educational Paradigm

Our Vision


The word Anisa refers to an ancient symbol meaning the “Tree of Life.” it represents the concept of continuous growth and fruition in the context of shelter and protection. It is also an acronym for the American National Institute for social advancement.
The word Anisa refers to an ancient symbol meaning the “Tree of Life.” it represents the concept of continuous growth and fruition in the context of shelter and protection. It is also an acronym for the American National Institute for social advancement.

Educators are innovators

It has been said that the only constant in our modern world is changing the rapid roll-up that is taking place in society's institutions and traditions have created disorientation for most people which is come to be called Future Shock. how can man cope with the ever-shifting demands his environment places upon him? And how can tremendous potential be harnessed for constructive solutions to the problems of a Global Society? The reports of both social and natural scientists suggest that far-reaching changes will have to take place in our society in order for mankind to survive. At the foundation of this restructuring is the need for the radical transformation of our system of Education. the concept of maximizing the potentialities of all people, rich or poor, black or white, is no longer merely a cherished ideal but a life-saving requirement.

Coupled with a necessity to ensure the healthy development and release of the potentialities of each individual is the need for an appropriate organizational life that can meet the challenges of the task ahead. Complex organizations are the mark of the modern era. They have an organic life of Their Own. Organizations need to be guided so that, as individuals, they are effective, they fulfill their purposes, and they serve mankind.

A redirection of the educational process ultimately must rest on a fuller understanding of the creature we seek to educate-- man. It must draw together all available scientific research on how man learns and progresses and must formulate a comprehensive theory of his development. To do anything less is to repeat the haphazard, unscientific educational efforts of the past.

The Anisa program, as represented by the Anisa model of Education, has already charted itself on this course.  Its aim is to create a comprehensive educational system that is unique and its power to release human potential. Anissa is developing a new basis for educational planning,  one capable of adapting to the ever-increasing demands and pressures of our world. The model provides a conceptual framework to integrate large bodies of knowledge and research in education and human development. Anissa has formulated a  philosophical base from which it has derived a theory of development, a theory of curriculum, and a theory of teaching.